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Origin of shelf

Sendtime:2021-11-26 Cotentsource:http://www.szdeles.com/

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As we all know, the origin of shelves in China probably originated in the 1970s and 1980s. With the opening of the door, foreign-funded enterprises enter. Supermarket shelf wholesale is a new thing gradually appeared. The emergence and development of many industries are due to the needs of the times. It is the call of the times that makes it appear in line with the times. The emergence of shelf industry is such a concrete embodiment. It is said that after the reform and opening up, foreign capital poured into the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta, and many foreign-funded enterprises were established, which not only led to the economic development of the region, but also promoted the demand for warehouse shelves with the demand for warehouse management. In the 1980s and 1990s, German and Hong Kong enterprises concentrated on setting up storage equipment Airport Trolley manufacturer

Airport Trolley manufacturercompanies on the Huning line, and their main products were the production of warehouse shelves. At the same time, investors gradually realized that the shelf industry had certain potential and prospects for development in China, and then Swiss enterprises continued to establish shelf companies in Shanghai. In this way, the shelf industry is gradually formed, and the shelf manufacturing technology is also slowly developed and gradually improved. Many foreign-funded enterprises invest in China and choose to purchase shelves locally in China. Supermarket shelf manufacturers in China's shelf industry have also emerged.

Supermarket Shelf manufacturer, Shopping Trolley manufacturer,Airport Trolley manufacturer

Then, when did the shelf appear in the world, and under what background did it come into being? First of all, the shelf originated from the objective reasons for development. The development of modern logistics provides objective conditions for the emergence and development of three-dimensional warehouse, which is suitable for the development of industry and science and technology. The current large-scale modern production has increasingly promoted industrial production to move forward in the direction of socialization, specialization, industrialization and centralization.Airport Trolley manufacturer The high mechanization and automation of production inevitably require the timely, rapid and accurate supply and distribution of materials. This promotes the rapid development of three-dimensional warehouse technology, and takes it as a symbol of high technology in factory design. 

Airport Trolley manufacturerOn the other hand, when the modern management concepts of saving cost and improving efficiency become the first consideration for managers, how to effectively use the warehouse space and how to improve the use volume of the warehouse have also been mentioned to a high position. The focus of storage management has two directions: one is how to increase the effective utilization of storage space, and the other is how to promote the flow of goods. The space for storing goods is called storage space. Although this space is used for storage on the surface, it is actually a relay station for goods procurement, transportation, marketing and distribution. Therefore, the storage area has increasingly become a central hub for goods storage and transportation. Therefore, the effective use of storage space has become an important topic for managers and logistics practitioners.

Relatetags: Shopping Trolley manufacturer Supermarket Shelf manufacturer Airport Trolley manufacturer

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