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What do you need to do if you want your baby to sit safely in the shopping cart(2)

Sendtime:2021-12-07 Cotentsource:http://www.szdeles.com/

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7. When a shopping cart passes around, always pay attention to the baby's hands and feet to prevent the baby from being caught by a passing shopping cart.Supermarket Shelf manufacturer

8. Don't let the baby grab the goods on the shopping rack with his own hands, especially the high and messy shopping rack, so as to prevent the things on the shelf from falling and hitting the baby when the baby grabs things.Supermarket Shelf manufacturer

9. When children take the shopping cart, they need to reinforce a safety belt. If the shopping cart is not equipped, they can tie the baby's waist to the shopping cart with a portable scarf to prevent the baby from accidentally turning over the shopping cart without safety and safety awareness.Supermarket Shelf manufacturer

10. Don't let the baby push the shopping cart by himself. The baby's height is limited. Pushing the shopping cart will easily hit people or things because he can't see the front.

I believe many people don't pay such attention to the above work, and it is these aspects that can lead to some accidents. Therefore, don't easily put your baby in the shopping cart. We should pay attention to safety and safety problems.

Relatetags: Shopping Trolley manufacturer Supermarket Shelf manufacturer Airport Trolley manufacturer

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