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Example sharing shelf display rules(1)

Sendtime:2021-12-16 Cotentsource:http://www.szdeles.com/

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1、 Guidelines for shelf displayShopping Trolley manufacturer

Quantity: adding the number of furnishings will strengthen the visual impact, build a rich sense of products and add sales volume;

Gathering: the company's series of products gather and display, which can obtain relevant and overall brand association and influence;

Color: eye-catching color and appropriate color allocation can leave consumers with rich products, strong selectivity and strong image and display function of the company;

Lighting: with proper lighting, it can strengthen the color degree of products, deepen the aesthetic effect of products, and build a display effect and Shopping Trolley manufacturerair. In addition, it can attract the attention of buyers and trigger their affinity for products;

Leading products: leading products with large sales volume should occupy a large display space;

Orientation: the key brand products should be displayed in an appropriate orientation, that is, the orientation parallel to the field of vision.

Relatetags: Shopping Trolley manufacturer Supermarket Shelf manufacturer Airport Trolley manufacturer

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  • 关键词:超市货架便利店货架货架厂家