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Example sharing shelf display rules(3)

Sendtime:2021-12-16 Cotentsource:http://www.szdeles.com/

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3、 Shelf display request

The company's products are displayed straight, and the same standard packaging is displayed horizontally on the same shelf. Each standard zh

There are fewer than three rows, and the larger the row, the better - the sales volume is directly proportional to the row.Supermarket Shelf manufacturer

The sales standards or the standards vigorously promoted by the company, the standards with higher profits of the company are on good shelves, or the standards are regularly replaced and displayed on good shelves.Supermarket Shelf manufacturer

Brand products are the main category of store passenger flow. The brand products operated by stores can judge whether they belong to key products, auxiliary products or other products according to their sales characteristics, and then make corresponding adjustments in orientation.Supermarket Shelf manufacturer

Contact the customer's moving line and policy, and the customer's spending habits to make reasonable display planning.

Generally, the activity products can be placed close to the entrance (to increase the rate of customers entering the store), the activity categories can be established at the connection point of the customer moving line (to extend the customer moving line), and the product related areas can be established in the store according to the needs of customers with different policies.

Put heavy and large products at the bottom and small and light products at the top to facilitate consumers to take them, which is also in line with everyone's general aesthetic habits.

During the implementation of new products, we should leave more than 1 / 3 of the display space for new products; "Borrow light" around similar popular products.

Furnishings are not only the furnishings of products, but also the combined furnishings of pop and other furnishings and products. Through the proper use of furnishings, it can show the furnishing function of key products and complete the furnishing purpose of silent salesmen.

Relatetags: Shopping Trolley manufacturer Supermarket Shelf manufacturer Airport Trolley manufacturer

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  • 关键词:超市货架便利店货架货架厂家